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Crowdsourcing: A Definition

The Rise of Crowdsourcing

  • Read the original article about crowdsourcing, published in the June, 2006 issue of Wired Magazine.
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August 14, 2008



An un-crowdsourced crowdsourcing award? Sigh, someone please find me the next buzzword. Clearly, crowdsourcing has jumped the shark :)

Howard Rheingold

Excellent! First nice thing Wired has done for me since Katrina Herron was editor.

Alan Booker

Greetings Tony, crowdsourcing has not so clearly “jumped the shark.”

CS, as a term, is being referred to primarily as a web based phenomena. As more and more disparate initiatives have used the CS model one would suppose that its usage and the form it takes would still be in varying degrees of metamorphosis, I think the problem here is how ones defines CS.

Definitions have run the gamut from “sigh, buzzword,” slave labor, potential for inequity, exploitation or greed to a host of more positive points of view that focus on both personal motivation and questions of community building processes.

The declining use of the term CS might, or might not, be in the books but will most certainly have many more “happy days” to evolve!

So Jeff, what is this prestigious award going to look like? Couldn’t the award proper and the creation of it be crowdsourced?

Here is my suggestion:

Regards, Alan


Who won?


CS, as a term, is being referred to primarily as a web based phenomena. As more and more disparate initiatives have used the CS model one would suppose that its usage and the form it takes would still be in varying degrees of metamorphosis, I think the problem here is how ones defines CS.

Definitions have run the gamut from “sigh, buzzword,” slave labor, potential for inequity, exploitation or greed to a host of more positive points of view that focus on both personal motivation and questions of community building processes.

The declining use of the term CS might, or might not, be in the books but will most certainly have many more “happy days” to evolve!

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