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Crowdsourcing: A Definition

  • I like to use two definitions for crowdsourcing:

    The White Paper Version: Crowdsourcing is the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call.

    The Soundbyte Version: The application of Open Source principles to fields outside of software.

The Rise of Crowdsourcing

  • Read the original article about crowdsourcing, published in the June, 2006 issue of Wired Magazine.
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July 17, 2007



After reading the many links and conclusions/comments regarding the AZ project the complexity and profundity of the process becomes much clearer.

I suspect that those close to the action are unwilling to blow their horns too loudly. Their proximity to the project, the dust has yet to settle, might make an assessment of some of the salient points difficult.

Journalism and CS aside, the process and resulting content created a very unique set of experiences, both individually and collectively.

As a ground breaking exercise the AZ project, from a process point of view, must have provided much food for thought and an unequivocal portal into just what might be needed for any future attempts to fashion a community from both a crowd and a concept!

I suspect that both individual and collective destinies, as esoteric as that might sound, have been shaped by the journey and the outcomes could be very far reaching.

This is why I see the project as an unqualified success. Not pretty, might not have reached all the journalistic objectives but an incredible foundation of experiences for future CS/journalistic initiatives.

The myriad elements that make “a healthy community” are difficult to quantify. The most important ones are mostly invisible and not easily identifiable but consist of more ethereal elements like intention, commitment and more importantly biographical association. The “application/adoption” of a concept, unless created organically from within the community, is akin to a blood infusion with the hope that the blood type works out!

I believe the collective intention and commitment to the project by so many dedicated individuals has created a reservoir of substance that will be drawn upon by many for a long time!

Cheers, Alan.


After reading the many links and conclusions/comments regarding the AZ project the complexity and profundity of the process becomes much clearer.

I suspect that those close to the action are unwilling to blow their horns too loudly. Their proximity to the project, the dust has yet to settle, might make an assessment of some of the salient points difficult.

Journalism and CS aside, the process and resulting content created a very unique set of experiences, both individually and collectively.

As a ground breaking exercise the AZ project, from a process point of view, must have provided much food for thought and an unequivocal portal into just what might be needed for any future attempts to fashion a community from both a crowd and a concept!

I suspect that both individual and collective destinies, as esoteric as that might sound, have been shaped by the journey and the outcomes could be very far reaching.

This is why I see the project as an unqualified success. Not pretty, might not have reached all the journalistic objectives but an incredible foundation of experiences for future CS/journalistic initiatives.

The myriad elements that make “a healthy community” are difficult to quantify. The most important ones are mostly invisible and not easily identifiable but consist of more ethereal elements like intention, commitment and more importantly biographical association. The “application/adoption” of a concept, unless created organically from within the community, is akin to a blood infusion with the hope that the blood type works out!

I believe the collective intention and commitment to the project by so many dedicated individuals has created a reservoir of substance that will be drawn upon by many for a long time!

Cheers, Alan.

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When you say the crowd contributes as part of a community of other contributers I think, of course they do they are a "crowd" wouldn't the word crowd automatically imply that there are several contributers?

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