Dubow's memo (see below) links to an internal Gannett site. Here's the information center FAQ. It's a longish document, but well worth reading as it expands considerably on the brief description of the "seven desks" I posted last night.
Q. What is an Information Center?
A. The Information Center is a new way of transforming the process of gathering and disseminating news and information. It is the evolution of the newsroom, focused on gathering the information our readers and viewers want using words, images and video and distributing it across multiple platforms: the daily newspaper, online, mobile, non-daily publications and any other media possible to meet our readers’ needs. Creating an Information Center means retooling the newsroom, expanding into multimedia, embracing community interaction, shifting resources and rethinking the way a community is covered. Gannett’s Newspaper Division, which has conducted a series of pilot programs to create and test the Information Center concept, organized the Center around seven key information gathering areas: digital; public service; community conversation; local; custom content; data; and multimedia. (More about each desk below). Information Centers can be tailored to fit the needs of the individual operations in each division.
Q. Why is Gannett making these changes?
A. Gannett adopted a Strategic Plan in early 2006 that called for the creation of the Information Center as a way to become more customer-centric and innovative in the way we gather and disseminate news and information. Gannett’s mission under the plan is to provide must-have news and information on demand across all media, ever mindful of our journalistic responsibilities.
Q. What is the purpose of the Information Center?
A. The Information Center will enable us to gather and disseminate multimedia news and information in a way more suited to the needs of our customers today. We will deliver the content our audiences want at any time, anywhere and to any device. As print newsrooms were geared to the scheduling demands of the daily newspaper, the Information Center will be geared to the 24/7 demands of our customers. We will provide more hyper-local information, more databases (restaurants, entertainment, schools, local sports, etc.), more interactive opportunities, more video and more breaking news than we ever have before. And we will deliver it on multiple platforms. The Information Center also is designed to make even better use of the exceptional resources we have. We will make wiser and more strategic use of our employees to do more of what our customers want.
Q. Why is it called the Information Center and not the newsroom?
A. Increasingly, we are realizing that our customers are interested in
much more than news from our products. While news remains our
preeminent mission, other information – especially local information –
is increasingly in demand. Calendars, recommendations, lifestyle topics
as well as neighborhood level stories are all new elements that will
have ongoing coverage across platforms. We are also embracing community
interactivity in our sites with increased involvement. Changing the
name acknowledges this additional responsibility and emphasizes that we
are gathering news and information for websites, mobile devices and
other products as well as for our daily newspapers.
Q. How does the Information Center work?
A. The Information Center works by focusing on gathering news and
information in multiple media for rapid digital dissemination rather
than solely building a newspaper every day. The key is redeploying our
resources to gather, process and publish news and information on a
multitude of platforms focused on community needs and involvement. Each
of the primary jobs of the Information Center represents key
information-generating areas important to the emerging media
environment. It changes the structure of newsroom to unleash more
expansive coverage.
For example: Formerly we would cover sports to fill a once-a-day sports section in print. Now we concentrate on getting game scores posted online and mobile as fast as possible, providing constantly updated staff blogs and inviting the community to discuss the latest sports news.
Each location would tailor the Information Center to fit its particular needs – larger sites would create “desks” or teams to do particular functions while smaller operations would be more likely to incorporate multiple functions into a smaller number of combination desks. But in either case, publishing becomes a 24/7 enterprise using multiple media across diverse digital and print platforms.
Q. Will the information Center replace newsrooms at all of our newspapers?
A. Yes. Every newspaper will be expected to fulfill the Information
Center’s goals. All newspapers are expected to fulfill the seven
primary jobs outlined in the Information Center. Larger sites will
create actual desks to accomplish these tasks while smaller papers will
combine multiple jobs into various areas.
Q. Will there be Information Centers at Gannett TV stations?
A. The goal is for all Gannett properties to adopt the concept of the
Information Center. That is, TV stations need to revamp their newsrooms
to be able to gather and disseminate local, local news and information
across all platforms around the clock.
Q. Does that mean jobs will be changing?
A. Many jobs are transforming to allow for immediacy, multi-platform
coverage and greater interaction with the community. People will be
asked to perform many new and different functions than they are used
to. Schedules are changing as the Information Center becomes a 24-hour
operation. Some types of jobs, such as reporter and editor, will
continue but the way they are done may change to focus on more local
news. The role of the copy desk is shifting to reflect the audience
expectation of continuous news coverage and strong headline writing
needed on mobile devices, for example. Photographers are becoming
videographers, reporting stories and creating new storytelling
techniques through multimedia projects. Many of the changes will occur
as needs arise during the rollout phase of the Information Center.
Q. Who decides what jobs change and what the Information Center will look like?
A. The overall framework and strategy is being set across Gannett in
consultation with local editors, but of course the specific decisions
to implement the strategy will be made locally based on the needs of
the community and the desk positions that need to be filled. An in-
depth study of the community’s needs is accomplished at the outset.
Based on that study, a decision on how to structure the primary jobs
will be made locally in consultation with the roll-out team at
headquarters. Headquarters and other Gannett divisions also provide
essential multimedia support – for example, our Broadcast and Digital
divisions are providing essential video training and infrastructure
support. In the Newspaper Division, the seven primary jobs will form
the starting point.
Q. What are the seven primary jobs?
A. Public Service. Digital. Data. Community Conversation. Local. Custom Content. Multimedia.
Q. What is the goal of Public Service?
A. This area expands our very important First Amendment and watchdog
functions. It encourages community participation at each step of the
journalism process. Public Service coverage examines government issues,
investigates wrongdoing, uses Freedom of Information standards and
applies watchdog techniques. Journalists producing Public Service
efforts connect all forms of electronic delivery, the print newspaper
and reprinted summaries. Searchable databases, interactive elements and
community engagement are frequent components of Public Service
journalism. Crowd sourcing – the use of the community in developing
information for investigatory journalism -- is part of this.
Q. What is the role of Digital?
A. The Digital nerve center accelerates the speed and volume of news
and information posted on multiple digital and print platforms,
creating a minute-by-minute local news report. These postings are
generated by the news staff, citizen journalists or by people in the
community. Database work has a central role in the Digital nerve
center. The Digital nerve center provides a continuous stream of
information leveraged across all platforms that exist now and new ones
developed in the future. The Digital nerve center is the cornerstone of
The Local Information Center.
Q. How is the collection of data expanding?
A. This key job involves acquiring and managing deep local information,
including calendars, entertainment, school information etc. The Data
initiative results in extensive and rich calendar listings and an
increased amount of deep local information that readers find useful.
The Data team is responsible for pushing the data gathered out to
readers through various products and platforms.
Q. What is Community Conversation?
A. This desk extends the concept of the editorial page and manages
staff commentary including editorials, blogs and columns. This desk
also encourages community participation online, not only in structured
forums and comment sections on stories but also in empowering readers
to create their own forums for discussion of essential community
Q. What is the Local desk?
A. This desk expands local coverage and reestablishes sports, business and feature reporting into hyper-local areas.
Q. What is Custom Content?
A. This desk specializes in finding ways to connect with identified
target audiences and looks for efficiencies in repurposing content
across all platforms.
Custom content adapts magazine-like approaches to lifestyle and trends
issues and focuses on a growing number of magazines and weeklies
targeted to specific audiences and topics such as health,
entertainment, parenting and pets.
Q. What is Multimedia?
A. Multimedia uses video and audio, rich graphics and other visual
presentation techniques across digital platforms. Graphics and
photography staffers work together to produce visual content such as
video, Flash presentation, audio and newly emerging electronic forms.
Most Gannett newspaper sites have or will be trained in video and are
posting video news stories online. Some sites have local newscasts.
Q. Did Gannett run pilot programs to test the Information Center concept?
A. The Newspaper Division created Information Centers at three sites –
Des Moines, Brevard and Sioux Falls – and tested the various desks at
eight other locations. They found enthusiastic acceptance of the
concept among employees and appreciation by the public of the improved
products – more local newspapers, more timely Web sites and more
community involvement. This local audience appreciation was reflected
directly in increasing page views on our Internet sites.
Q. How will the Information Center be implemented?
A. In the Newspaper Division, sites that are not already up and running
will submit plans by December for switching to the Information Center
with the change expected to be fully implemented by spring. The
schedule is very aggressive but achievable based on our experience in
test markets. Before submitting a plan, sites are expected to perform a
thorough analysis of their community and their newsrooms to determine
the best way to organize the Center. Other divisions are studying the
Newspaper Division’s results.
Q. Will there be additional hiring done to fill the Information Center jobs?
A. The Information Center transforms, repurposes and refocuses the
resources that exist now. Newspapers are training for new skills in
multimedia, assessing needs for library science and archiving expertise
and updating job descriptions. There is no need to hire for new
positions, but many sites are assessing, updating and training to
ensure all employees have the right tools and expertise to transform.
Q. Will this mean layoffs?
A. There won’t be any layoffs as a direct result of implementing the
Information Center. This concept is a tool for better serving our
communities, not a tool for creating layoff opportunities. There will
be many changes in the jobs people have, however. As a result, some
employees may be unable to or decide not to participate in the
Information Center process. In that case, they will be reassigned or
asked to leave. In our experience in 11 test markets to date, that is
by far the minority.
Q. Is the Information Center designed to save money for the company?
A. The Information Center is designed to innovate and make better use
of the resources we have: to gather more and better local news and
deliver it to more and changing platforms. So it’s designed to be more
cost-effective. The improvements created by the Information Center are
designed to expand audience and bring in more advertising dollars. A
more accurate description of the Information Center’s goal is to expand
readers and grow revenues.
Q. If I’m not sure I will fit into the new Information Center structure, to whom should I talk?
A. First, talk with your supervisor. Also, your Human Resources
representative is knowledgeable about the Information Center changes
and should be able to help you sort out the issues. Finally, find out
about the process and what it means for your location before you make a
final decision. During the test process, many employees who expressed
skepticism at the outset, were pleasantly surprised and eventually
excited by the changes.
Q. What is the connection between the Information Center and advertising?
A. Concurrently with the creation of the Information Centers,
advertising sales forces at each location will be getting training in
how to make the most of the changes happening as a result of the
Information Center. As we strengthen and grow our local products, there
will be more opportunities to sell ads around these products and to
find new advertisers. The Information Center is designed to make us
more customer-centric – that is appeal to a broader base of customers.
If we are bringing in more and happier readers, viewers and users, we
will be able to make our advertisers happier. Through our Audience
Aggregation project, we will be able to take the products produced by
the Information Center and get better results for our advertisers.
Q. What is Audience Aggregation?
A. Audience Aggregation is a way to show the depth and breadth of our
reach in our communities by combining the audience reach of our
multiple publications – our daily newspapers, our non-daily
publications, our Internet efforts and our mobile efforts. Our studies
have shown we reach as many as 85% to 90% of the people in our
community with our suite of products. We are now refining those studies
to show the ways we reach different audiences within the communities.
As a result, we are becoming able to show advertisers how our offerings
can directly reach the audiences they want.
Q. How will sales people be able to find out more about these changes?
A. Training programs are being developed company wide to help sales
associates and executives. In the next few months, programs will be
rolled out that changes sales departments in much the same way as the
newsrooms are changing.
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Thanks for the information! There won’t be any layoffs as a direct result of implementing the Information Center. This concept is a tool for better serving our communities, not a tool for creating layoff opportunities. There will be many changes in the jobs people have, however. As a result, some employees may be unable to or decide not to participate in the Information Center process. In that case, they will be reassigned or asked to leave. In our experience in 11 test markets to date, that is by far the minority.
Posted by: Online dating and marriage agency | January 03, 2012 at 07:15 AM
The interesting information, the tonic on a note! Headquarters and other Gannett divisions also provide essential multimedia support – for example, our Broadcast and Digital divisions are providing essential video training and infrastructure support. In the Newspaper Division, the seven primary jobs will form the starting point
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