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Crowdsourcing: A Definition

  • I like to use two definitions for crowdsourcing:

    The White Paper Version: Crowdsourcing is the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call.

    The Soundbyte Version: The application of Open Source principles to fields outside of software.

The Rise of Crowdsourcing

  • Read the original article about crowdsourcing, published in the June, 2006 issue of Wired Magazine.
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November 04, 2006


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Thanks for the information! There won’t be any layoffs as a direct result of implementing the Information Center. This concept is a tool for better serving our communities, not a tool for creating layoff opportunities. There will be many changes in the jobs people have, however. As a result, some employees may be unable to or decide not to participate in the Information Center process. In that case, they will be reassigned or asked to leave. In our experience in 11 test markets to date, that is by far the minority.

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The interesting information, the tonic on a note! Headquarters and other Gannett divisions also provide essential multimedia support – for example, our Broadcast and Digital divisions are providing essential video training and infrastructure support. In the Newspaper Division, the seven primary jobs will form the starting point

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