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Crowdsourcing: A Definition

  • I like to use two definitions for crowdsourcing:

    The White Paper Version: Crowdsourcing is the act of taking a job traditionally performed by a designated agent (usually an employee) and outsourcing it to an undefined, generally large group of people in the form of an open call.

    The Soundbyte Version: The application of Open Source principles to fields outside of software.

The Rise of Crowdsourcing

  • Read the original article about crowdsourcing, published in the June, 2006 issue of Wired Magazine.
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August 25, 2006


Jeff Dolan

Why not post a similar system on your band's website? I recommend that bands who are raising money to record should have track sponsors until the entire album is paid. This post gave me some great ideas to expand on this model. Thanks!

Jeff Howe

Thanks, Jeff, I'm glad to have inspired some ideas. There's actually a site called that performs a similar service. Here's one musician using it to raise studio fees:


Jeff - it appears that somebody - perhaps somebody from -- has been responding to my concerns re Sellaband, at my blog:

Sam Rose

This is very similar to some ideas that I've been working on. Except, in my model, the band itself totally controls what it does with the funds. So, they can choose who produces them, who records them, etc.

Sam Rose

Ok, I see now tat sellaband claims that they do allow artists to control who records and produces them. Still, I think that this can be done with less restrictions than the sellaband model. I think the "enabler" could easily give the artist the option to have the "enabler" (sellaband) totally stay out of the way.


Spellbox jumped on the sellaband wagon about a month ago, and while we're steadily climbing the charts (now in 50th position) we are getting alot of support from this site and the folks who visit there. Overall its a fun experience.

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The Dutch music site Sellaband was one of the pioneers of the crowdfunding model.

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